meet Diane mclean
Diane McLean, MEd, PCAC, MCC
I empower uniquely wired kids and the adults in their lives.
My mission is to provide strengths-based, competency-driven coaching services to help children (and kids-at-heart) feel understood, affirmed, and supported.
As an executive function coach, I help uniquely wired kids, smart kids who struggle with everyday tasks and are often labeled "scattered," "lazy," or "unmotivated."
I also mentor coaches and share my 30+ years of experience to give other professionals the skills and strategies needed to apply coaching competencies to the unique developmental needs of children.
As a 26-year career educator and school counselor, I have witnessed the challenges uniquely wired kids face and the often traumatic impact this has on families.
Parenting a uniquely wired adult child, I know the desperation parents experience, the exhaustion they feel to help others understand their child, and the frustration of not knowing how to parent this child they deeply love.
By combining decades of experience as a coach, counselor, educator, and parent with my extensive training and education, I help my clients discover their strengths, embrace their unique brain wiring, and find success.
let's talk
diane unplugged
Listen to interviews with Diane to hear what sets her apart.

Diane talks with Brandon Mahan about the importance of community for parents and what she has learned from her uniquely wired son.

Networking, Legwork,
And Honorary Degrees
Coaching ADHD KIDS
Using Digby and Magic
In this interview, Diane shares the importance of
using kids' interests to connect and communicate
with them in coaching